Contact Us

Alice Lubrecht
4338 Crestview Road
Harrisburg PA
Soroptimist means sharing and working with other professional women. They willingly give of themselves through their time, talent and ideas in order to be of service to others. Soroptimists have personally overcome many obstacles to achieve their goals and they strive to give other women and youth their potential. In short, Soroptimism is the spirit of the women who belong.

Soroptimist Membership May Be For YOU!

For Membership Information Contact:

Chairperson for Growth and Development,
Billie Hawk at (717) 545-6991

Alice Lubrecht at (717) 545-2897
Membership may be for you!
Soroptimist means sharing and working with other professional women. They willingly give of themselves through their time, talent and ideas in order to be of service to others. Soroptimists have personally overcome many obstacles to achieve their goals and they strive to give other women and youth their potential. In short, Soroptimism is the spirit of the women who belong.

- Miriam (Billie) Hawk
Soroptimist means sharing and working with other professional women. They willingly give of themselves through their time, talent and ideas in order to be of service to others. Soroptimists have personally overcome many obstacles to achieve their goals and they strive to give other women and youth their potential. In short, Soroptimism is the spirit of the women who belong. - Miriam (Billie) Hawk

Cathy Orwan at 717.652.3538 or

President Renee at 717.671.1447 or
Being a Sorptimist is a wonderful way of life and has given me a great opportunity to make wonderful friends and continue to do service for our community. - Doris Stringer